woensdag 16 september 2015

WE 2015 : General set-up - Italian pavilions - P. Zero - Albero della Vita - Sta Rosa Viterbo

I have spent 3 days at the world Expo with my Italian friends, Loretta and Alessandro and have preferred not to report chronologically per day, but rather per country and/or subjects.

L'Expo 2015 (ufficialmente Esposizione Universale Milano 2015

Il tema selezionato è “Nutrire il pianeta, energia per la vita

    Il Padiglione Zero ospita  il contributo delle Nazioni Unite e la Best Practice Area, ovvero la raccolta delle migliori esperienze ed esempi sul tema della nutrizione In particolare sono state selezionate le migliori esperienze in ambito

Curated by Davide Rampello and designed by Michele de Lucchi, Pavilion Zero provides an introduction to the Expo Milano 2015 Site. Pavilion Zero takes the visitor on a captivating journey to explore how much humankind has produced, the transformation of natural landscape, and the culture and rituals of food consumption. 

The Pangea table designed by Michele De Lucchi and made by Riva 1920 for Expo 2015, is on display in the amazing and central location of Piazza Italia, the heart of Expo 2015.
The project takes inspiration and its name from Pangea, the single continental mass which is thought to have included all the lands above sea-level and which in later geological eras broke up to give today’s continents. 
The 80 square meters top in Kauri, millennial wood coming from New Zealand, is made of 19 shaped pieces and it is supported by 271 legs in Briccola wood, oak posts retrieved from Venice Lagoon.
The surface of the table, composed of 19 pieces with irregular contours that all fit together like an outsize jigsaw puzzle, has been sanded in such a way as to highlight to the beautiful grain of this extraordinary wood.

Palazzo Italia

Palazzo Italia reaches a height of 35 meters, the highest peak within the Expo site. It’s the only permanently architecture at the Expo.
Palazzo Italia will host institutional spaces in addition to the excellences of “Made in Italy”, while the Cardo temporary buildings will be representative of the Italian territory, in particular of the regions, and include a pavilion for the European Union placed in front of Palazzo Italia.
Palazzo Italia is considered an architectural and constructive challenge for the complexity and innovation in design, materials and technologies used. The building is designed in a sustainable  way thanks to the contribution of photovoltaic glass in the roof and the photocatalytic properties of the new concrete for the branched facade.

Italian Food


L'Albero della Vita
The Tree of Life rises to the sky, 37 meters in height and is reflected in the water of the  Lake Arena. It has been “planted” at the end of the Cardo, the 350 meter long  axis that connects the north and south of the Expo Site in  front of The Italian Pavilion. The Tree of Life was created by Orgoglio Brescia and was designed by Marco Balich. The Tree of Life will be a reference point during the six months of the exhibition. It is a place to meet up and relax and a place in which to be entertained, thanks to the special effects and lighting that will bring it alive in the evenings.  It is an Interactive installation that serves as a centerpiece for the activities of the Italian Pavilion.

The Tree of Life has its roots in the Renaissance  

1534 : on papal commission Michelangelo began to redesign Rome’s   Piazza del Campidoglio. The paving of the piazza was conceived as an oval-shaped design containing a twelve-pointed star, symbolizing the constellations. It is this shape with its high allegorical meaning that inspired Marco Balich in creating the Tree of Life’s structure. The weaving that covers  the work, made by Studio Gioforma , continues the pattern and represents  reaching for  the future and innovation, while maintaining strong roots in the Renaissance.  As with the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius that was placed in the center of Piazza del Campidoglio, so the Tree of Life arises from the center  of the Lake ArenaIt dominates the landscape, drawing the attention of hundreds of people every day as they cross the two main axes, the Cardo and the Decumano, and who will participate in events and visit the pavilions of Expo Milano 2015.

The Chinese giant and leader in real estate, with its participation in Expo Milano 2015 aims to offer the world a showpiece of contemporary life in China, from the perspective of ordinary people, through the experience and spirit of the Shitang. In its pavilion of 959 square meters are recreated the atmospheres linked to the Shitang which, much more than a simple canteen, represents a traditional social structure, present since ancient times, and which still exists in contemporary Chinese society in various forms. It is a convivial space where they can find inexpensive food and a peaceful, healthy environment.

Macchina of Santa Rosa

The Macchina of Santa Rosa is a 30 metre high tower, which is rebuilt every year in the months of July and August in honor of Saint Rose of Viterbo, the patron saint of the city of Viterbo, Italy. Every year on the evening of 3 September 100 men called "Facchini di Santa Rosa" (porters of Saint Rose) hoist the Macchina and carry it through the very narrow streets and squares of the medieval town centre. The whole route is a little bit more than 1 km.

The procession is an important event in Viterbo and attracts thousands of people. 

Today, the procession is included in the UNESCORepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The last day we had a very nice dinner at the stand of the Calabrian restaurant Porta del Vaglio of the famous Italian chef Gennaro di Pace.

After obtaining his certificate at the Hotel and Catering School, Gennaro went in Switzerland, but the Italian attraction was very strong in him: he came back to work at Il Battibecco and I Portici, in Bologna.

After the meeting with his master Gino Fabbri, he obtained the award for Gastronomic Innovation from the Italian Chef Foundation. He decided to come back in Calabria, becaming owner of the restaurant Osteria Porta del Vaglio.

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