All'esposizione milanese i padiglioni collettivi dei Paesi partecipanti sono stati ripensati e denominati cluster, e rappresentano un vero punto di novità rispetto alle manifestazioni del passato. Tutte le Expo moderne hanno sempre organizzato padiglioni comuni per quei Paesi che non avessero avuto modo, o risorse, per allestirne uno proprio; questi spazi sono sempre stati pensati unendo gli espositori secondo una logica puramente geografica. Ad Expo 2015 sono invece state ideate nove aree, raggruppando i Paesi secondo criteri di identità tematica o di comune filiera alimentare:
· Agricoltura e Nutrizione nelle Zone Aride – La Sfida
della Scarsità d’Acqua e dei Cambiamenti Climatici
· Isole, Mare e Cibo
· Bio-Mediterraneo – Salute, Bellezza e Armonia
· Filiera Alimentare:
· Riso – Abbondanza e Sicurezza
· Caffè – Il Motore delle Idee
· Cacao – Il Cibo degli Dei
· Cereali e Tuberi – Antiche e Nuove Colture
· Frutta e Legumi
The Coffee Cluster is characterized by warm and natural colors that change according to the changing light that filters through the roof, giving visitors the illusion of being in a real forest.
Curated by illycaffè, EXPO 2015’s official Coffee Partner, a company that brings to this project more than eighty years’ knowledge, experience, and personal contacts. Driving this initiative are illycaffè’s pursuit of excellence, teamed with their passion, their striving for innovation, and the will to achieve sustainable development.
Created in collaboration with the International Coffee Organization (ICO), this Cluster narrates the past, present, and future of coffee, focusing on three areas:
- the product and its journey from bean to cup
- the creativity, art and culture that have developed around the coffee-drinking ritual
- the stories and traditions of the countries of coffee farmers and consumers
The Cocoa and Chocolate Cluster features a large number of uprights of differing sizes. These represent the large number of species and types of tree under which the cacao-bearing evergreen grows. The atmosphere is warm and humid as in a real jungle, with sunlight penetrating the trees’ crowns, casting its rays throughout the pavilions.
COUNTRIES BELONGING TO THIS CLUSTER : Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Gabon, Ghana & Sao Tome and Principe
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